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ζβ Sco



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A 10 μm spectroscopic survey of Herbig Ae star disks: Grain growth and crystallization
We present spectroscopic observations of a large sample of Herbig Aestars in the 10 μm spectral region. We perform compositional fits ofthe spectra based on properties of homogeneous as well as inhomogeneousspherical particles, and derive the mineralogy and typical grain sizesof the dust responsible for the 10 μm emission. Several trends arereported that can constrain theoretical models of dust processing inthese systems: i) none of the sources consists of fully pristine dustcomparable to that found in the interstellar medium; ii) all sourceswith a high fraction of crystalline silicates are dominated by largegrains; iii) the disks around more massive stars (M  2.5{M}ȯ, L  60 {L}ȯ) have a higherfraction of crystalline silicates than those around lower mass stars,iv) in the subset of lower mass stars (M  2.5 {M}ȯ)there is no correlation between stellar parameters and the derivedcrystallinity of the dust. The correlation between the shape andstrength of the 10 micron silicate feature reported by van Boekel et al.(2003) is reconfirmed with this larger sample. The evidence presented inthis paper is combined with that of other studies to present a likelyscenario of dust processing in Herbig Ae systems. We conclude that thepresent data favour a scenario in which the crystalline silicates areproduced in the innermost regions of the disk, close to the star, andtransported outward to the regions where they can be detected by meansof 10 micron spectroscopy. Additionally, we conclude that the finalcrystallinity of these disks is reached very soon after active accretionhas stopped.

Precise radial velocity measurements of G and K giants. Multiple systems and variability trend along the Red Giant Branch
We present the results of our radial velocity (RV) measurements of G andK giants, concentrating on the presence of multiple systems in oursample. Eighty-three giants have been observed for 2.5 years with thefiber-fed echelle spectrograph FEROS at the 1.52 m ESO telescope in LaSilla, Chile. Seventy-seven stars (93%) of the targets have beenanalyzed for RV variability using simultaneous Th-Ar calibration and across-correlation technique. We estimate the long-term precision of ourmeasurement as better than 25 m s-1. Projected rotationalvelocities have been measured for most stars of the sample. Within ourtime-base only 21 stars (or 27%) show variability below 2\sigma, whilethe others show RV variability with amplitudes up to several kms-1. The large amplitude (several km s-1) andshape (high eccentricity) of the RV variations for 11 of the programstars are consistent with stellar companions, and possibly brown dwarfcompanions for two of the program stars. In those systems for which afull orbit could be derived, the companions have minimum masses from˜0.6 M\sun down to 0.1 M\sun. To thesemultiple systems we add the two candidates of giant planets alreadydiscovered in the sample. This analysis shows that multiple systemscontribute substantially to the long-term RV variability of giant stars,with about 20% of the sample being composed of multiple systems despitescreening our sample for known binary stars. After removing binaries,the range of RV variability in the whole sample clearly decreases, butthe remaining stars retain a statistical trend of RV variability withluminosity: luminous cool giants with B-V≥1.2 show RV variationswith \sigma_{/lineRV} > 60 m s-1, while giants with B-V< 1.2 including those in the clump region exhibit less variability orthey are constant within our accuracy. The same trend is observed withrespect to absolute visual magnitudes: brighter stars show a largerdegree of variability and, when plotted in the RV variability vs.magnitude diagram a trend of increasing RV scatter with luminosity isseen. The amplitude of RV variability does not increase dramatically, aspredicted, for instance, by simple scaling laws. At least two luminousand cooler stars of the sample show a correlation between RV andchromospheric activity and bisector asymmetry, indicating that in thesetwo objects RV variability is likely induced by the presence of(chromospheric) surface structures.Based on observations collected at the 1.52 m-ESO telescope at the LaSilla Observatory from Oct 1999 to Feb. 2002 under ESO programs and theESO-Observatório Nacional, Brazil, agreement and in part onobservations collected on the Alfred Jensch 2 m telescope of theThüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg.

Improved Astrometry and Photometry for the Luyten Catalog. II. Faint Stars and the Revised Catalog
We complete construction of a catalog containing improved astrometry andnew optical/infrared photometry for the vast majority of NLTT starslying in the overlap of regions covered by POSS I and by the secondincremental Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) release, approximately 44%of the sky. The epoch 2000 positions are typically accurate to 130 mas,the proper motions to 5.5 mas yr-1, and the V-J colors to0.25 mag. Relative proper motions of binary components are measured to 3mas yr-1. The false-identification rate is ~1% for11<~V<~18 and substantially less at brighter magnitudes. Theseimprovements permit the construction of a reduced proper-motion diagramthat, for the first time, allows one to classify NLTT stars intomain-sequence (MS) stars, subdwarfs (SDs), and white dwarfs (WDs). We inturn use this diagram to analyze the properties of both our catalog andthe NLTT catalog on which it is based. In sharp contrast to popularbelief, we find that NLTT incompleteness in the plane is almostcompletely concentrated in MS stars, and that SDs and WDs are detectedalmost uniformly over the sky δ>-33deg. Our catalogwill therefore provide a powerful tool to probe these populationsstatistically, as well as to reliably identify individual SDs and WDs.

The Wilson-Bappu effect: A tool to determine stellar distances
Wilson & Bappu (\cite{orig}) have shown the existence of aremarkable correlation between the width of the emission in the core ofthe K line of Ca II and the absolute visual magnitude of late-typestars.Here we present a new calibration of the Wilson-Bappu effect based on asample of 119 nearby stars. We use, for the first time, widthmeasurements based on high resolution and high signal to noise ratio CCDspectra and absolute visual magnitudes from the Hipparcos database.Our primary goal is to investigate the possibility of using theWilson-Bappu effect to determine accurate distances to single stars andgroups.The result of our calibration fitting of the Wilson-Bappu relationshipis MV=33.2-18.0 log W0, and the determinationseems free of systematic effects. The root mean square error of thefitting is 0.6 mag. This error is mostly accounted for by measurementerrors and intrinsic variability of W0, but in addition apossible dependence on the metallicity is found, which becomes clearlynoticeable for metallicities below [Fe/H] ~ -0.4. This detection ispossible because in our sample [Fe/H] ranges from -1.5 to 0.4.The Wilson-Bappu effect can be used confidently for all metallicitiesnot lower than ~ -0.4, including the LMC. While it does not provideaccurate distances to single stars, it is a useful tool to determineaccurate distances to clusters and aggregates, where a sufficient numberof stars can be observed.We apply the Wilson-Bappu effect to published data of the open cluster M67; the retrieved distance modulus is of 9.65 mag, in very goodagreement with the best distance estimations for this cluster, based onmain sequence fitting.Observations collected at ESO, La Silla.

Precise radial velocity measurements of G and K giants. First results
We present the first results of our precise radial velocity (RV)measurements of G and K giants. A number of stars from our list of 80targets have been observed for 14 months using the fibre-fed echellespectrograph FEROS at the 1.52 m ESO telescope in La Silla, Chile. Thissample increases the number of giants surveyed with precise stellarradial velocity measurements at least by a factor of 10. During thisperiod we are able to estimate the long-term accuracy of our measurementas better than 11 m s-1. We use the simultaneous Th-Arcalibration and cross-correlation technique to compute the radialvelocity by applying a numerical template for K-type stars. Standarddeviation sigma of mean radial velocity variations between 3 ms-1 and 4 km s-1 with timescales between severaldays and years are measured for 21 of G and K giants which are presentedin this paper. Fifteen stars show definite variability above 3 sigma ofour measurement uncertainties. Two stars with RV variations above 800 ms-1 are tentatively identified as new binaries. Althoughdefinitive trends between RV variations and stellar evolutionary statuscannot yet be established, all the luminous cool giants of our sampleseem to have significant radial velocity variations, while those starsin the giant's clump region can be either variable or constant.Based on observations collected at the ESO 1.52 m telescope at the LaSilla Observatory under program ESO No. 64.L-0047, 65.L-0571, 66.D-0592and from Nov. 99 to Feb. 01 under the ESO-Observatório Nacional,Brazil, agreement.}

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcar?J/A+A/367/521

Classification and Identification of IRAS Sources with Low-Resolution Spectra
IRAS low-resolution spectra were extracted for 11,224 IRAS sources.These spectra were classified into astrophysical classes, based on thepresence of emission and absorption features and on the shape of thecontinuum. Counterparts of these IRAS sources in existing optical andinfrared catalogs are identified, and their optical spectral types arelisted if they are known. The correlations between thephotospheric/optical and circumstellar/infrared classification arediscussed.

Cyclicities in the light variations of LBVs. I. The multi-periodic behaviour of the LBV candidate ζ^1^ Sco.
Differential Stroemgren uvby photometry of ζ^1^ Sco collectedduring the time interval 1982-1995 is analysed together with new VBLUWphotometry with a complementary discussion of unpublished JHKLM data. Wereport the discovery of a ~1750-2200d regular oscillation of amplitude~0.01mag in all bands, and pulsation-like oscillations with at least onefrequency f_1_=0.03155 (P~32days) and a possible second frequencyf_2_~5/4 f_1_ ~0.03891 (P~25.7 days). Most likely, all such starsexhibit multi-periodic light variability. A strong noise componentremaining in the prewhitened signal leads us to postulate that thedriver for LBV-like eruptions is stochastic resonance. This hypothesisis supported by the historic light curve of ζ^1^ Sco which showsthat two centuries ago the star was about 2 magnitudes brighter, while amillenium ago it was only 1 magnitude brighter than today, an indicationthat ζ^1^ Sco should be regarded as a candidate Luminous BlueVariable.

The Pulkovo Spectrophotometric Catalog of Bright Stars in the Range from 320 TO 1080 NM
A spectrophotometric catalog is presented, combining results of numerousobservations made by Pulkovo astronomers at different observing sites.The catalog consists of three parts: the first contains the data for 602stars in the spectral range of 320--735 nm with a resolution of 5 nm,the second one contains 285 stars in the spectral range of 500--1080 nmwith a resolution of 10 nm and the third one contains 278 stars combinedfrom the preceding catalogs in the spectral range of 320--1080 nm with aresolution of 10 nm. The data are presented in absolute energy unitsW/m(2) m, with a step of 2.5 nm and with an accuracy not lower than1.5--2.0%.

Transformations from Theoretical Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrams to Color-Magnitude Diagrams: Effective Temperatures, B-V Colors, and Bolometric Corrections
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996ApJ...469..355F&db_key=AST

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

The prevalence of large-amplitude variability among blue supergiants
Not Available

HR 1614 and the dissolution of a supercluster
A few main-sequence members of the HR 1614 supercluster have been foundwithin 40 parsecs of the sun. The convergent point of the proper motionsis (A,D) = (8.38 h - 58.7 deg) and V(TOT) = 59.0 km/s. Thirty-ninemembers of HR 1614 group, with mean V = 58.4 km/s, have been found nearthe sun as well as nineteen red giants within 200 parsecs. Both thesupercluster and the group members have Hyades abundance of heavyelements but CN strengths equalled by less than five percent of thestars near the sun. The age of the supercluster and group stars is nearthat of those in the cluster M67, 5 x 10 exp 9 yr on the basis of modelswithout convective overshoot or 6.3 x 10 exp 9 yr for models withovershoot. The stellar density near the sun is similar for both Hyadessupercluster and the combined HR 1614 supercluster and group members.

A study of SCO 0B1 and NGC 6231. II - A new analysis
A new analysis of the Sco 0B1 association, and the two open clusters NGC6231 and Tr 24 was undertaken, making use of the extensive amount ofpublished data for this region of the southern sky. The averageinterstellar reddening, due mostly to foreground particulate matter, isE(b - y) = 0.326 mag or E(B - V) = 0.44 mag, with a pronouncednorth-to-south variation across the association. The distance moduli ofthe three aggregates are indistinguishable from one another; their meandistance from the sun is 2.0 kpc. A logarithmic age of 6.9 +/- 0.2 yearswas derived for the systems. Photometric criteria were used to assigndifferent degrees of membership to the B-type stars. Potential variablestar candidates were noted. Contrary to previous suggestions, NGC 6231retains its role as the nucleus of Sco 0B1 and, finally, the physicalreality of Tr 24 itself is questioned and briefly discussed.

Einstein Observatory magnitude-limited X-ray survey of late-type giant and supergiant stars
Results are presented of an extensive X-ray survey of 380 giant andsupergiant stars of spectral types from F to M, carried out with theEinstein Observatory. It was found that the observed F giants orsubgiants (slightly evolved stars with a mass M less than about 2 solarmasses) are X-ray emitters at the same level of main-sequence stars ofsimilar spectral type. The G giants show a range of emissions more than3 orders of magnitude wide; some single G giants exist with X-rayluminosities comparable to RS CVn systems, while some nearby large Ggiants have upper limits on the X-ray emission below typical solarvalues. The K giants have an observed X-ray emission level significantlylower than F and F giants. None of the 29 M giants were detected, exceptfor one spectroscopic binary.

The effective temperatures and colours of G and K stars
The IR flux ratio method (Blackwell and Shallis, 1977) is used inconjunction with new tables of synthetic IR colors to determinetemperature scales for G and K dwarf and giant stars. The temperaturesof 95 stars are listed. The colors and flux ratios for the modelatmospheres in the grid of yellow and red giant models of Gustafsson etal. (1975) and Bell et al. (1976) are presented. Also, IR colors for aset of dwarf models, computed using the same methods as used in thegiant models, are given. In addition, the synthetic spectra and colorsfor the Vega model (Dreiling and Bell, 1980) are included.

Stellar integrated fluxes in the wavelength range 380 NM - 900 NM derived from Johnson 13-colour photometry
Petford et al. (1988) have reported measured integrated fluxes for 216stars with a wide spread of spectral type and luminosity, and mentionedthat a cubic-spline integration over the relevant Johnson 13-colormagnitudes, converted to fluxes using Johnson's calibration, is inexcellent agreement with those measurements. In this paper a list of thefluxes derived in this way, corrected for a small dependence on B-V, isgiven for all the 1215 stars in Johnson's 1975 catalog with completeentries.

A multifrequency study of circumstellar envelopes of cool giants and supergiants
A multifrequency study of all parts of circumstellar envelopes of coolgiants and supergiants is presented. In order to investigate theinfluence of stellar parameters on spectral features of these envelopes,a sample of 77 cool giants and supergiants that occupies a horizontalstrip in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram was observed. Spectroscopic andphotometric observations at optical, infrared and radio wavelengths ledto the following results: (1) for giants there exists a strongcorrelation between H-alpha emission and SiO masers, which led to thesuggestion that SiO masers are triggered by shock-waves and can bepumped by collisions, (2) the SiO expansion velocity was found to besystematically lower by 2 km/s compared to the CO expansion velocity,and (3) a relation between the asymmetry of the light curve and theintensity of the dust emission at 9.7 microns has been confirmed for awide range of periods. Rather than luminosity alone, pulsationalproperties of the variable play a dominant role for the structure ofcircumstellar envelopes of cool giants and supergiants.

Energy Distribution in the Stellar Spectra of Different Spectral Types and Luminosities - Part Five - Normal Stars
Not Available

IRAS catalogues and atlases - Atlas of low-resolution spectra
Plots of all 5425 spectra in the IRAS catalogue of low-resolutionspectra are presented. The catalogue contains the average spectra ofmost IRAS poiont sources with 12 micron flux densities above 10 Jy.

Trigonometric parallax results for southern luminosity class III stars
New trigonometric parallaxes are reported for ten bright, southernlate-type MK giants ranging in spectral type from K0 to M3.5. The listincludes HR 794, 1247, 2245, 2773, 3518, 3803, 5287, 5603, 6832, and6913. The modern parallaxes are compared with earlier results, and theluminosity calibration for these stars is discussed. A list of giants ispresented containing the best prospects for future parallax work onlate-type MK giants.

Catalogue of the energy distribution data in spectra of stars in the uniform spectrophotometric system.
Not Available

Observations of emission from certain stars at millimeter wavelengths
The paper presents results of observations of five alpha(2) CVn-typestars, five emission-line stars, the object SS 433, and four possiblerelated objects at 13.5 and 8.15 mm. It is confirmed that stars ofalpha(2) CVn-type are not characterized by significant radio emission.Emission variations from the emission-line star MWC 349 were detectedthat could be caused by optical luminosity variations of the star.Observations of SS 433 do not exclude the presence of an extendedenvelope around this object with dimensions and mass close to those ofthe envelope around MWC 349. It is also found that 2013 + 370 could beclassified as a BL Lac object.

A determination of the effective temperatures, accelerations of gravity, and metallicity parameters of late-type stars from data on energy distribution in their spectra
The effective temperatures and surface gravities are determined for 297F-M stars for which detailed spectrum energy distribution curves areavailable. For some of the stars, the Fe/H ratio is estimated. Theaccuracy of the values obtained is found to be comparable to that of theestimates based on narrow-band photometry.

Erratum - Discordances Between SAO and HD Numbers for Bright Stars
Not Available

A photoelectric measurement of magnesium for late-type stars
A photoelectric index of MgH + Mg b for late-type stars has been createdby the addition of one filter bandpass to the DDO system. Measurementsshow that this index has good sensitivity to surface gravity for Kstars, and suggest that it can differentiate metal-poor halo giants fromdisk stars. From this index, involving measurement through two filtersalone, it appears that membership can be determined for stars on thegiant branch of globular clusters. It is possible that the index couldbe used, after calibration with cluster giants, to determine ages ofgiant stars in the field.

Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the extreme B supergiants P Cygni and Zeta-1 Scorpii
High-dispersion IUE spectra of P Cyg and Zeta-1 Sco are presented. Bothshow extreme line blanketing by Fe III and similar ions, formed in alow-velocity stellar wind. P Cygni also shows the same phenomenon in FeII, at somewhat higher velocity, and appears to be cooler and lessreddened then its visible spectrum suggests. Both stars show weakevidence for wind velocities up to about 400 km/s, but do not havehigh-velocity winds typical of OB supergiants. The interstellarextinction is discussed for each star, and their fundamental parametersestimated and compared.

IUE observations of the extreme B1 supergiant Zeta-1 SCO
High-resolution (delta lambda approximately 0.2 A) and low-resolution(delta lambda approximately 6 A) spectrograms in the wavelength rangefrom about 1200 to 3200 A have been obtained using the IUE satellite.The high-dispersion spectrograms have been used to compile lists of thestellar and interstellar absorption lines and to derive accuratewavelength values for the identified stellar lines (using theinterstellar lines for wavelength calibration). The stellar UV spectrumwas found to be dominated by strong blueshifted absorption lines ofresonance transitions and transitions from metastable lower states ofthe Fe III and Ni III ions. It is suggested that these ions play a majorrole in the mass loss mechanism of luminous early B stars. From thelow-dispersion spectrograms the UV continuum energy distribution isderived, along with values for the effective temperature (approximately19,000 K), the bolometric luminosity (about -10.35), the stellar radius(approximately 96 solar radii), and the likely stellar mass (about 65solar masses).

More errata in Bright Catalogue, 3rd Edition
Not Available

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:16h54m35.00s
Apparent magnitude:3.62
Distance:46.147 parsecs
Proper motion RA:-124.2
Proper motion Dec:-227.5
B-T magnitude:5.419
V-T magnitude:3.764

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
Bayerζβ Sco
HD 1989HD 152334
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 7876-2871-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0450-25949153
BSC 1991HR 6271
HIPHIP 82729

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